Small Animal

Firework Phobia

The end of the year brings many reasons to celebrate and unfortunately this also brings many reasons for your pet to be nervous. If you have a pet suffering from a noise phobia fireworks on Bonfire Night and New Year’s Eve can make the party season stressful. Preparation is the key when trying to address the problem, the sooner you start the better.

What is noise phobia?
It is an over-exaggerated fear of loud sounds. Whilst some form of response is natural, if it becomes terrifying and distressing for your pet it is essential that something is done.


As nights draw in and the weather gets colder, our focus turns towards osteoarthritis (OA). This is common in both man and animals, but our pets tend to suffer more from the degenerative, ‘wear and tear’ type rather than immune mediated forms such as rheumatoid seen in man.  As far as our pets are concerned it may occur as a progression from a developmental disorder such as hip or elbow dysplasia, or as a result of repetitive trauma or an injury to a joint.

S.H.A.P.E Campaign Finalist

Molly is a 4 year old English Springer Spaniel who started on the Specific S.H.A.P.E campaign in February.  Molly attended regular weight clinics with one of our nurses, Ali, and Molly has lost an amazing 5kg!

She started the campaign weighing 20.1kg, but with careful food management, using the Specific Weight Reduction Diet, attending regular weight clinics and hard work from her owner, Molly now weighs 15.1kg.

Big and small, little and large…

...did you know that, generally speaking, the type of heart disease that our companions might suffer from, varies with their size?

LITTLE DOGS are more likely to get disease of the valves of the heart.

LARGE DOGS more commonly suffer from disease of the heart muscle itself.

And not forgetting about our inquisitive CATS. Over 30% of Maine Coons are prone to heart muscle disease, but all breeds are susceptible.

A quick listen with a stethoscope can give us lots of information.

Their heart belongs to you...

During the next couple of months, we are running a campaign to help owners recognise signs of heart problems in cats and dogs, and urging you to seek prompt attention.  Heart disease affects around 10% of cats and dogs in the UK.  Early detection is a major factor in helping to manage the condition and increase life expectancy.

S.H.A.P.E Campaign Finalist

Molly is a 4 year old English Springer Spaniel who started on the Specific S.H.A.P.E campaign in February.

Molly attended regular weight clinics with one of our nurses, Ali, and Molly has lost an amazing 5kg! 

She started the campaign weighing 20.1kg, but with careful food management, using the Specific Weight Reduction Diet, attending regular weight clinics and hard work from her owner, Molly now weighs 15.1kg.

Ben Dart

Ben joined the St Boniface team in August 2017 and works alongside Marie as the Lead Clinical Vet for the Small Animal Team. 
After graduating in 2008, he worked in a mixed practice for 4 years before becoming a full time small animal vet. 
Ben enjoys all areas of small animal practice, including surgery and medicine, with a particular interest in ultrasound scanning of the heart and abdomen, endoscopy (using a small, flexible camera to carry out internal investigations) and using stem cell injections to improve the quality of life for arthritic patients.

Ollie & Archie Visit the Vets

These two cheeky chaps came in recently for castration, both were very well behaved and recovered quickly post operatively.

Here is 'their day at the vets' in pictures - we hope you enjoy!


Sugar gliders are marsupials native to New Guinea and Australia. In the wild they live in open forest, love to climb and are nocturnal.

They can glide up to 50 metres using a special gliding membrane which runs from their wrists to their ankles.


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