
Tuesday, 15 April 2014 - 10:14am

Heat Detection

Getting cows in calf as quickly as possible is of great importance on a dairy farm. Conception rates are not easy to improve, but heat detection rate is. Good heat detection programmes can have a major impact on overall herd reproductive performance. While it seems obvious that cows not detected in heat will not get served and thus not get pregnant, accurate heat detection is important too, so that cows get inseminated at the right time.

Submission rates are...

Monday, 31 March 2014 - 7:11pm

7th April  7.30pm

Our recent Senior Pet Health Campaign has been a resounding success. Many pets have visited us for a free health check up, urine test and advice on diet and exercise.

We have diagnosed several conditions where we have been able to offer medication and advice, that will mean an improved quality of life and in some cases a slowing of the progression of disease. In particular we have seen lots of dogs suffering with varying degrees of arthritis. This is a very...

Tuesday, 25 March 2014 - 8:50am

Cow Tracks

Key Points:

  • Good tracks:
    • extend the grazing season
    • decrease lameness
    • reduce risk mastitis/cell count problems
  • Cow tracks are for cows only - keep vehicles off
  • Drainage is crucial - water destroys tracks
  • Keeping tracks in good order requires maintenance

Renovating old tracks:

Signs of Problem:

  • ...
Thursday, 13 March 2014 - 12:24pm

Welcome to our Small Animal Newsletter! Providing you with the latest news, information and offers!


Our nursing team is headed up by Sarah Woodvine (pictured above with her black Labrador, Tarn). She is a fully qualified veterinary nurse with many years of practical experience. She is ably assisted by Faye (top left), who is also a fully qualified RVN and our two trainee...

Thursday, 13 March 2014 - 11:36am

As the weather starts to warm up, hopefully, now is the time to start thinking about preparing for turnout.
To ensure everything gets sorted, four key points should be considered:B

  • Biosecurity – Fencing, tracks, gateways and water supplies
  • Parasite control – Correct use of anthelmintics and vaccination
  • Disease control – Vaccination
  • Nutrition and Mineral Supply

Good fencing obviously...

Thursday, 13 March 2014 - 10:51am

Healthy Feet Programme

Most of you are probably already aware that the 3rd round of funding from The Farming and Forestry Improvement Scheme (FFIS) has now been launched. The round will close on Friday 4 April 2014.  Unlike previous rounds, they will start processing applications as soon as they arrive. Therefore, you are strongly advised to apply as soon as you can.  Grant is paid in arrears, so successful applicants will need to purchase and install the items before claiming the...

Wednesday, 12 February 2014 - 6:53pm

Calf Scour - Dehydration and Rehydration

Scour accounts for around 50% of all UK calf deaths and causes significant financial losses to both beef and dairy enterprises.

The age at which the calf is affected will give an idea of the likely pathogen and therefore appropriate treatment;

  • 1-3 days old is commonly bacterial in origin, therefore antibiotics may be appropriate
  • 7-14 days are more likely to be affected by viruses and/or protozoa
  • ...
Wednesday, 12 February 2014 - 6:42pm

New Years resolutions can be for pets too!

Has your dog gained a few pounds in this cold wet weather ? Have you been meaning to get his creaky joints checked out?

We like to run a series of FREE senior health checks in the middle of winter, as this is often when the wear and tear on an older pet can starts to take its toll. Colder weather makes joints ache and some fitness is lost as walks get shortened which adds to arthritis problems. 

In addition pets may be...

Monday, 7 October 2013 - 10:00am

Here at the practice we see how a good diet can benefit a pets health, which is why we keep the cost of our Royal Canin Veterinary diets as low as we possibly can, ensuring we are competitive with internet prices. We want our clients to be able to feed their pet a veterinary quality food for not much more (or sometimes less!) than commercially available food. Quite often, feeding a better quality food can mean you actually need to feed your pet less per meal, and therefore can work out...

Tuesday, 1 October 2013 - 10:00am

In Autumn 2013's Livestock Matters, Ruth wrote a fantastic article on targeting environmental mastitis pathogens which you can view here.
