"When we found out that Bess had been diagnosed with a congenital PDA, our whole family was devastated. How could such a young, fit and healthy dog run the risk of something as serious as heart failure? St. Boniface advised us that there was an operation Bess could undertake by one of the best surgeons in the country that would mean she could live a normal life, but of course it came at a price. Thanks to the support our vet Marie Kemmish provided, we gained authorisation from our insurers prior to making any decision, and promptly booked Bess in to the Willows Veterinary Clinic in Solihull for her operation. That was two weeks ago. Bess had her stitches removed on Monday, and today has been let off the lead to run free in our field. We are extremely grateful to Jo Harris - visiting cardiologist, Marie and the St. Boniface team, and everyone at the Willows for making Bess's life normal again."
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