
  • Consult Room 1
  • Consult Room 2
  • Hydrotherapy Treadmill
  • Laboratory
  • Microscope
  • X-Ray Machine
  • Dog Kennels
  • Lap Spey

Services that we offer

The practice has invested in quality diagnostic equipment to allow rapid and accurate identification of problems. We are also committed to minimally invasive surgery and investigation, so that where a procedure is essential, the impact on the pet is reduced.

With 3 dedicated operating theatres and modern surgical equipment, we are able to offer a good first opinion surgical service.

We have a well equipped lab with facilities to perform routine haematology, biochemistry blood tests and urine analysis. We also carry testing kits for canine and feline pancreatitis. For the rapid and accurate selection of treatments for conditions such as ear and skin infections we perform slide preparations for cytology.

Ultrasound – Imaging of soft tissues – particularily good at identifying pregnancies, bladder problems, abdominal tumours and heart disease.
Digital Radiography (x-rays) – Very useful for looking at bones, chests and abdomens.
Rigid Endoscopy – Allows us to scope (put a camera into) nasal passages, throats and windpipes. The scope can also be used to look inside bladders and the abdomen.
Flexible Endoscopy – Allows us to put a camera into the gastro-intestinal tract and the respiratory tract in order to take samples, look for lesions and remove foreign bodies without the need for invasive surgery.
Laparoscopy – Keyhole abdominal surgery – this allows a surgeon to view organs in the abdomen directly and to sample them if appropriate. Laparoscopic surgery is less invasive and can give better, safer access to areas of the abdomen than conventional open surgery.
Neutering – Including keyhole neutering in bitches (laparoscopic spey).
Dental work – In a dedicated theatre.
Physiotherapy – Land and water based.
Acupuncture - A treatment derived from ancient Chinese medicine. Fine needles are inserted at certain sites in the body for therapeutic or preventative purposes.
Cat and dog wards – Kept separate to help reduce stress for inpatients.
Soft tissue surgery – For example removal of lumps, correction of physical abnormalities and repair of wounds
Orthopaedic surgery – Repair of some fractures
Out of hours - 24/7 emergency service and hospitalisation

RCVS tier 2 accreditation