This New Year sees us trying to help out our arthritic and uncomfortable older, limping and creaky companions.
We would like to share with you our arthritis campaign, running between January and March. As part of this, we would like to offer a FREE arthritis check; including running through a structured questionnaire that’s been revolutionary in investigating arthritis through a standard approach, but also a general catch up to explore how your creaky friends have slowed or changed over the last few months or years.
We also have the opportunity to offer our canine friends 1 month’s FREE anti-inflammatory trial, where appropriate, following consultation.
These offers will be available throughout the start of 2018. The Arthritis Campaign will close with an exciting Gait4Dog Lameness analysis, during our Rehabilitation Awareness Day in March.
We all want happy, healthy, comfortable pets as long as possible, so if you think that your pet could do with a FREE arthritis check, please call the surgery on 01363 772860 to book, or take advantage of our Mobility Clinics between January and March. Keep InTouch through Facebook and Instagram for updates and details of the campaign coming soon, including our all important feline friends... (terms and conditions apply).