News Article

Winter Health Tips for Rabbits

Saturday, 10 December 2016 - 3:04pm

Rabbits are well adapted to deal with cold weather, they have thick fur and choose to reside in burrows which keep them insulated from severe cold and sudden changes in winter weather, although they do prefer temperatures between 10-20C. Unfortunately domestic bunnies live above ground so are more prone to the cold weather. Here are 5 top tips to keep your rabbit warm and happy over the winter months

1. Keep the hutch damp and draught free

Use a tarpaulin, blankets, an old duvet or piece of carpet to insulate the hutch. Change their bedding frequently and provide a deep bed of straw - this is warmer than hay for bunnies. You could add a straw filled cardboard box to the bedroom area or put a piece of clear Perspex over wire fronted doors, just ensure there is a small gap at the top for ventilation.

This will still allow the rabbit to see out and let daylight in. If you have an empty shed or garage you could move the hutch in there, the shed can also be insulated to provide double protection, or a heater can be installed provided the cables cannot be chewed. Two bunnies in the same hutch also help to keep each other warm!

2. Keep water bottles and bowls from freezing

Wrap a bottle in bubble wrap or a thermal sock or glove to keep it from freezing, or have 2 bottles that can be swapped over as required. Put a pad of bubble wrap under a water bowl so it is off the ground and less likely to freeze.

3. Ensure your bunny has chance to exercise and see daylight

Even though the weather may be miserable it is still important your rabbit gets exercise every day, they need to be able to run, jump, hide and dig! Cover the roof of your run with a tarpaulin to stop rain and snow landing on your bunny or use an empty shed as a play area provided it has windows.

4. Check on your rabbit regularly, interaction is very important

As the evenings are usually dark early on we tend to spend less time outdoors and interacting with our rabbits. They need to be checked at least 3 times per day and appreciate a cuddle and your time. Even if you have 2 rabbits to keep each other company they will still need checking regularly.

5. Make your outdoor summer rabbit a winter house rabbit

If you choose to move your bunny inside during the winter make sure it will stay indoors for the entire duration of the winter. Your rabbit will shed its winter coat so if moved back outside before the weather warms up it will not be able to cope with the sudden changes in conditions.

Rabbits do not vocalise if they have a problem like a cat or dog might so you have to be extra vigilant. If they start to suffer with the winter weather they will become sluggish and sleepy, go off their food, and have a slow breathing rate. They do not necessarily shiver like we would. If your rabbit displays any of these signs please contact us immediately on 01363 772860