News Article

Under his Feet

Monday, 16 January 2017 - 10:17am

St Boniface Vets has recently been invited to write an article for Horse & Rider Magazine.  The article discusses Thrush and how to prevent it.

Thrush is a very common destructive infection that affects the frog, particularly the central sulci (or cleft) in the middle of the base of the frog and the grooves between the frog and sole.  The condition is characterised by a really unpleasant smell with a thick, black, gungy discharge, which is actually dead keratin tissue.

The hind feet are more commonly affected than the front feet, which is probably because of their more pointed shape.  Thrush can affect all ages, breeds and genders.  Many horses have had thrush at some point in their lives and, for some, it's a persistent problem that just won't stay away.  To read the article in full, download the pdf.

If you are worried about your horse, please call the practice and speak to a member of the equine team.

Files: PDF icon Horse and Rider Article Dec 16.pdf