News Article


Thursday, 3 December 2015 - 4:11pm


  • Avoid overfeeding (ponies are adapted to do well on very little)
  • Feed plenty of fibre with minimal ‘hard feed’
  • Feed little and often – ponies are designed as ‘trickle feeders’
  • Make any changes in diet gradually to allow the friendly bacteria in the gut time to adjust
  • Do not feed mouldy or frosted / frozen food – they can cause colic
  • Store food under cover and away from rats and mischievous ponies
  • Cut carrots lengthways to reduce the risk of choking (a round piece is more likely to get stuck in the throat)
  • Consider using a vitamin / mineral supplement or balancer
  • If using sugar beet, remember to soak it at least overnight and store it in a pony-proof place
  • Have your pony’s teeth checked by a vet or equine dental technician at least once a year.  Sharp edges hurt and make it more difficult to chew food properly
  • Pick up droppings (poo-pick) in the field at least twice weekly – the grass tastes nicer and it helps to keep worms under control
  • For ponies living out and sharing a field - place the hay in piles well apart and always allow one extra pile to reduce bullying and likelihood of getting kicked
  • Make sure fresh water is always available. Break the ice on water troughs
  • If your pony doesn’t like icy water, add some warm water to take the chill off it
  • Use a weigh tape every fortnight to check for any weight loss or gain and change the amount you feed accordingly
  • In cold weather a rug may be more suitable than extra food, but do check your pony daily for any rubs from straps and buckles
  • Do not feed ‘new’ hay until after Christmas

If in doubt and for advice on feeding older ponies speak to one of our equine team.