We are very proud to provide a complete embryo service, that now also includes in vitro embryo production. We are one of only 6 practices in the UK to offer this technique and, by using it, we have managed to create embryos where conventional methods have failed.
Along with embryo collection from high genetic value, pedigree cows, we also offer a repeat breeder embryo programme. By taking non-pedigree, inexpensive embryos and implanting them following normal service, we can improve conception rates well beyond 50%. This technique often helps retain commercial animals that would otherwise be culled on fertility grounds.
Mr Venner was 'over the moon with his one hundred per cent success rate' and commented on what an 'extremely professional and diligent service' we are providing.
Please click on the tabs above for more information on conventional embryo flushing (MOET) and IVF collections (OPU).
Danielle and Tony lead the embryo collection and transfer team. They are always more than happy to discuss all aspects of the service with you - call now on 01363 772860.