...you probably knew that already but it is always useful when robust research backs up common sense and more importantly allows us to quantify the problem.
In the next few articles, we are going to run through:-
- A recently published study on the effect of mastitis on fertility and improving outcome with NSAIDs
- What happens to the fertility of cows with mastitis?
- What effect can Metacam have on cows affected by mastitis?
- What does this mean for me?
- Do other NSAIDs have the same effect?
Part Two - So what happens to the fertility of cows with mastitis?
This study and others show reduced fertility parameters across the board, the numbers in brackets are the results from this most recent study for cows treated for mastitis but not receiving Metacam. You could roughly compare your own figures to these to see what sort of effect mastitis has.
- lower conception rate at 1st AI (21%)
- more overall AIs required per pregnancy (2.9)
- fewer cows pregnant by 120DIM (31%)
Overall pregnancy rate is reduced in cows with clinical mastitis.
Click here to read part three - What effect can Metacam have on cows affected by mastitis?